Our Forthcoming Events

2024 – Spaniel Trials

Stake 1: On Monday 28th October 2024

Stake 2: On Saturday 2nd November 2024

CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES.                   

Stake 1. Saturday 19th   October 2024.
Draw will take place on 19th October 2024      

Stake 2. Saturday 19th   October 2024.
Draw will take place on 19th October 2024     

To enter your interest for the forthcoming trials please complete the following Entries Form.

2024 – Cocker Trials

Stake 1: On Monday 5th   August 2024

Stake 2: On Tuesday 6th   August 2024

CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES.                   

Stake 1. Saturday 20th   July 2024.              Draw.Saturday 20th    July 2024.

Stake 2. Saturday 20th   July 2024.              Draw. Saturday 20th    July 2024.

To enter your interest for the forthcoming trials please complete the following Entries Form.